
I seem to slack off on blogging in the summer.  Good thing this isn’t a job.  I’ve spent most of the summer at home at the computer, at the pool, with the kids, doing a little writing, random reading, following the Olympics, going to the gym, cringing at McCain’s ads, hoping Barack can live up to the hype and be what we hope he can be, going for walks, and looking forward to the fall when I’ll be on sabbatical, of sorts, working on my next book.

I notice that certain of my former posts continue to get lots of hits.  One set is about philosophy rankings.  Clearly there’s a lot of angst out there about what the best graduate schools are for doctoral work in philosophy.  Hey, follow your dream, and follow the people you want to study with.  Another is my old post about Barack Obama’s mother.  Occasionally I’ll get a comment from some right-winger who wants to paint her as a runaway mom who sloughed off her motherly responsibilities, never mind that Obama states in his autobiography that he chose to stay in Hawaii with his grandparents to attend high school there, a very nice high school indeed.

So while I’ve been absent from posting, the blog continues to have some use.  By the end of August I will probably start posting again more regularly. Until then, enjoy the sun.