epistemic deliberative theory

Advocates of epistemic deliberative democracy point to deliberations’ propensity to track the truth.  Could someone please explain to me what truth there is to track on political matters, which by their very nature are political because no one can agree on a truth that would adjudicate the matter? This seems folly from top to bottom.

philoSOPHIA Conference at Emory May 14-16, 2015

I’m helping organize the 9th Annual Meeting of the feminist philosophy society, philoSOPHIA.  The lineup is amazing….

philoSOPHIA 2015
9th Annual Conference
The Neolithic to the Neoliberal: Communities Human and Non-Human
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
May 14-16, 2015
Local Hosts:
Cynthia Willett | Noëlle McAfee | Erin Tarver
Keynote Speakers:
Drucilla Cornell | Lisa Guenther & Chloë Taylor | Kelly Oliver